
Friday 11 May 2007


I am home again. I went to the UK for one interview and ended up staying a whole month. Why? Because I can.
I like being here, family, comfort, my culture, even though I know I will get bored again after a few weeks. Anyone heard about any interesting jobs? Or just a job?

There are certainly a few things I have not missed of London: the prices, the distances, the crowded underground and other peoples' loud music on busses. I do however still like the 'buzz' and all the social events that take place. D, convinced me to come to a work dinner, worth 300 pounds, which was good fun. A. took me to a very interesting talk by one
Sunny Jacobs, sentenced to death in America for murders she did not commit, only being released after 17 years of imprisonment. The 'scene' has otherwise changed little and it all seems to be about dating!

We all know guests, like fish begin to smell after three days, so I tried to limit my stays up to 3-4 days and I was lucky enough to find so many warm welcomes! (thanks!!)
Being in London that is in itself an interesting experience; one has a comfortable apartment with a lovely flatmate, another had a cosy room, but avoids the flatmates, a third lives with a chaotic professor-landlord and a fourth even owns a beautiful apartment, but removed from the centre. I am already worried where I will end up renting! I have been back shortly to my old house that is now decorated with a big flat screen TV (had we had it before, I wouldn't have had reason to go out!). Claim is that the room I used to sleep in, and lodges now another tenant is still called 'Rosella's room'. Need to have at least some legacy!

In between I have also spent five days in Cornwall with three friends. Not as beautiful as Scotland, but I had a good time with them, good fish, long walks, a visit to a castle and a tin mine and the sun was shining! The land views weren't much to look at, but the coastline certainly was. A travelguide described it quite accurately by stating it is a "beautiful frame around a plain picture".
Please have look at the pictures, by clicking here.


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